Introducing Klebsiella Vetovax™ SRP®

Klebsiella Vetovax™ SRP® is a new vaccine that uses siderophore receptor and porin (SRP) technology and it is made from Klebsiella pneumoniae bacterial extract that has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy cattle 22 months or older against mastitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Why vaccinate?
Klebsiella mastitis is difficult to prevent and commonly presents as a serious acute illness.
Costly disease
Estimated milk losses of 700 kg (cows) to 1,400 kg (heifers) (Pinzon-Sanchez et. al. JDS, 2011).
More than 50% of Klebsiella mastitis cases will exit the herd (Gorden et. al. JDS, 2018). -
Vaccination results in fewer klebsiella mastitis to treat.
Increased production
In a study conducted by Iowa State University, it was demonstrated that the average milk production increased in Klebsiella Vetovax™ SRP® vaccinated cows by 2 pounds per cow per day compared to placebo cows.
Listen to the podcast
In this episode of the Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts, Dr. Pat Gorden discusses his experiences using Klebsiella Vetovax™ SRP® in the Iowa State University herd and his research project. You can find Dr. Gorden’s publication in the Journal of Dairy Science or in the Spring 2019 Bovine Practitioner
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Read the article
"To minimize losses from Klebsiella spp. mastitis, prevention of exposure is the key to infection control. Intermittent fecal shedding of Klebsiella spp. from healthy cows allows for the contamination of the environment. In herd and environmental surveys, these bacteria have been isolated from >80% of fecal samples collected from healthy cows. Once in the environment, Klebsiella spp. populate bedding material by fecal contamination regardless of bedding type. Another tool in the prevention toolbox to consider is vaccination. (…) For cows that received both doses of vaccine before calving, the vaccine reduced the risk of Klebsiella by 76.9% compared to the placebo group."
Klebsiella Mastitis: What Management Tools Are in Your Toolbox?
This article was developed by Patrick J. Gorden, DVM, PhD, DACVCP, DABVP-Dairy Practice; Director, Food Supply Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine at Iowa State University. Dr. Gorden is the president-elect for the American Association of Bovine Practitioners.